Has your church or church group got the call from God go into missions? The vision came to you and now you’re looking at all kinds of mission trips, mission trips to Africa, college mission trips, and family mission trips. Then Jesus came knocking at your door and you found it. Its perfect fit for your group, but how in the world do raise the money. Fundraising for mission trips is not that hard and came pull your them together before the trip. It creates a bond between your group and your church family. I got five great fundraising ideas for mission trips.
· Prayer, I think this is the most powerful way to raise your funds. Get people to pray about it. Make sure that the core group is put on the prayer list. You never know who is going to read it and have it laid on their hearts. Once your church is behind you with this all falls into place.
· Yard Sale is to everybody liking even to the ones hate going to them. It gets rid of your junk. Everybody has heard the saying “one man trash is another’s treasure.” So get into the garage, attic, and even pull out that old broken lawn mower somebody is going to buy it for a few dollars. Remember sell cheap people are looking for deals not Wal-Mart prices. I learn this from Mom so you know it’s true. Moms never tell a story!
· Bake Sales are great too. I love them because of all the delicious foods. Also it’s a great way for older people to donate their time to your cause. See they got the time to bake some great goodies. Grandma’s cookies, need I say anymore! Put a sheet a paper below each of your bake goods and have people bid on them. They are fun or just put a price on it have people buy it.
· Put on a play for your community. This is great for your mission group as they will bond even more before the trip. It is also great to bring people from the community to your church. That’s the whole idea anyway. Make sure you have a Love offering at the end.
· Auction, this is kind of like the bake sale. Have people bring typically unused or new products to sell. Put a piece of paper below each item to allow bidding. People put their price they are willing to pay. Each person below will have a higher price than the one before. Be sure to have a designated time frame. I like three to four weeks in churches because how many times do you actually go. The one who has the highest bid wins.
These are just some ideas to help in your fundraising for mission trips. The key really is getting the word out that you need the money. Along the way you will bond and be a better church for yourselves and your community. In the process all your church family will have taken part in “The Great Commission.”
God Bless Penguin
I attend Toccoa First United Methodist Church.Come and see me. Mention my Blog and I will give you a hug.
January 2025 Prayer Update: Repeat as Needed
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