The beginnings of a new journey are present in me. I have been home a couple of days now from the walk to Emmaus retreat. I had no idea how to put the experience to words. It was the most powerful Christian retreat I have ever been on. It is a Christian walk, to a higher plane of reality.
The three main things I learned were agape, prayer, and God does things that are not necessarily seen. I won’t go into great details about this. You are going to have to go to experience this yourself. Agape is one of several Greek words translated into English, as love. Many have thought that this word represents divine, unconditional, self-sacrificing, active, volitional, and thoughtful love. You will learn all about this. Prayer you will learn that prayer is powerful and people are going to be praying for you. And last but not least God works behind the scenes on your behalf, all the time. You will not know it but you sure will get the results. God and you won, satan zero. Game over.
If you see, or know of an individual Emmaus walker. You can ask them about it but more than likely you will not get hardly out of them. Not because it’s a secret. It’s such a deep personal walk there are no words to it. It’s an individual walk with Jesus your Lord and Savior who loves you very-very much. He has such an agape LOVE for you. That’s all I can tell you because there are no words to describe my feelings and yours will be totally different. I do know one thing for sure you are going to have an experience of your life time. God Bless Penguin
January 2025 Prayer Update: Repeat as Needed
4 weeks ago