Life comes and goes. We have ups and downs. We all have traumatic events. How do we deal with them? Some are harder than others to get over. Others you just do the dance and it’s over. I have come up with 10 things to do. That will help you tremendously.
Ten Things to do After Traumatic Events
1. God -Always keep God your first priority in your life. Read scripture and have quite time some place special in your house don't let others disturb you.
2. Pray -This is your talk it out phase with God. Remember he is on your side forever. Tell him how you feel ask what to do. Ask him for a cheerful attitude. Ask him to put JOY back in your life.
3. Family -These are your top go to people. They can be your immediate family members and extended ones. All conversations should kept confidential. They should be willing to visit you personally and stay with you if need be. There should be lots of encouragement, hugs and personal touch. Prayer should also be involved.
4. Friends -These are not people who you just acquaint with. They are thought of as your best friends. These are people who will check up on you regularly either by electronic device, or physically checking in. Your conversations with them should be confidential. They should know that if there true friends. Prayer should also be involved.
5. Pastor -He or she offers biblical principles and encouragement from God. He is the sub-rock in your relationship with God. He will receive calls and be there for you. He/she will remind you God has something better for you and although doesn't feel like it now. Constant repeating will reach your soul. Prayer should be a key component of your relationship.
6. Church-This is the body of Christ who shows you agape love in all areas. They should bring food, do housework, yard work, love on you, call you and show up at no set time frame. Keep in mind some of all of these will be taken care of by the holy spirit to lead people.You must go every chance you get. Again this is your ROCK. This will not move.
7. Get A Routine Going-This is hard thing to do, so start small. Get out of the bed on the same side. Everything you do exactly the same. Make sure you start and end each day with a sincere prayer to God. As the days go on add another thing to your routine.
8. Job -This is important in your routine. This gets you out of the house. So you can interact with others. If you have panic attacks or just depressing bouts call your support network. Right then so they can help through it. The job will keep your mind off the problem and create another routine of its own.
9.Start A New Hobby-This a new beginning of your new life. Find something totally different than what you have not experienced. It will create the endorphins in your head and you will start living again.
10. Positive Attitude-This is more of a routine in your head. You must say to yourself things like. I will make it. I love myself. I will survive this. I will be strong. Say these things out loud in front of a mirror. Do it often and repeatedly even if you don't believe it now just keep doing it. Over and over and over.